Here are some of the most frequently asked questions that I get asked on a day to day basis. If your question isn’t within this list, please feel free to get in contact  and I will be delighted to answer any question that you may have.

"Do you only work with Elite athletes?"
Absolutely not.  In fact 99% of people I work with are just every day members of the public who want to achieve some kind of health and fitness goal and see the benefits in having a coach to help them along the way.  Typical clients have the following goals:
  • Fat loss
  • Increase fitness levels
  • Improve muscle tone
  • Improve muscle strength
  • General health & well-being
  • Pre & Post Natal
  • Sports conditioning
  • GP Referral
"What are the benefits of having a coach"
working alone vs with coach weight graph
working alone vs with coach body fat graph
A picture paints a thousand words so hopefully these pictures say it all. These results are taken from one my clients who was initially 'on the fence' as to whether having a coach would be worthwhile and if it was worth the money. Four months later she is obviously no longer sceptical and is so glad she made the commitment to the coaching. We achieved more together in 4 months than in 10 months working alone.

So, how can working with a personal trainer/coach help... so many reasons! To name a few:

  • Structured nutrition & exercise guidance tailored to you and your specific goals
  • Weekly support, guidance, accountability & focus for nutrition, activity & lifestyle
  • Breaking bad habits & focusing on how to create healthy habits for life
  • Someone to keep you motivated (especially when times get tough)
  • Someone to work you harder than you would do alone (getting out of the dreaded comfort zone)
  • Weekly personal attention appointments to help you maintain consistency and motivation

If any of this sounds like something that would help you, then why not give it a go... NOTHING TO LOSE, EVERYTHING TO GAIN.

"I'm not fit enough to have a personal trainer / coach"
The training is tailored to you and your level.  There is no one-size fits all as everyone has different goals and different abilities.  What I do know is that those who work with a coach always get better results on the basis of having consistent support to help reinforce good habits and will work harder & safer having someone there guiding them along the way.
"How long do I have to work with a coach?"
I work with people on a rolling monthly basis so you are not tied into anything long-term.  However, I do recommend a minimum of 3 months.  Results take time to achieve.  Bad habits take time to break down, better habits take time to build up.  I want you to achieve your goals and help you to in-grain those new habits.  My aim is to phase out the support over time.  I want to get you to a point where you no longer need my assistance because your new habits are so fixed into your new lifestyle, that you are able to take responsibility for yourself, make the correct natural choices and continue leading that healthy lifestyle for the rest of your life.
"It's quite expensive. I'm not sure I can commit to that much"

The One-to-One packages are designed based on what you think you can financially commit to.  However, please try and think of it as an investment in you and your health.  It's not something that you'll need forever but instead something that will help you achieve the results you want and maintain them for life.  Yes, you spend out initially, but for what you get back if you spread the costs out across the rest of your life, you will see it's worth the commitment and investment.

If you're still unsure, please check out our testimonials to see what other people thought of the coaching.  I can guarantee anyone who initially thought it was an expense would definitely agree it was money well spent.

You can always have a look at our Partner Training or Small Group Training packages - many of the same benefits just shared with friends or family members and cost is less per month.

"How many times per week do I need to see a coach?"
It depends.  In my experience those that see a coach more often will always get better results.  This is mainly due to increased interaction with a coach, which means that good habits are more likely to be reinforced and you stay more motivated to maintain consistency week in, week out.  It's that type of consistency that gets results.  Learning to bring exercise and healthy eating into your lifestyle is like learning any skill, the more often you practice it, the better you get - bad habits are kept at bay whilst good habits are reinforced.  Your body will also respond more regularly to the overload of the physical training by increasing in fitness, strength & tone and improved fat loss through improved calorie burning.
"Do I need a personal coach to get results?"
In a word, NO.  Anyone can get good results no matter what your background or knowledge.  The internet is filled with lots of information about achieving results (although can be very misleading and contradictory - needle in a haystack springs to mind).  However, does having a coach mean I will get better results....in my experience, DEFINITELY.  Those that have a coach who they interact with regularly stay on track, progress faster and remain consistent for longer.  Habits need time to embed and having that regular support & accountability on a consistent basis ensures the good habits are practiced regularly and increase the chances that they become life-long habits.  Physically you will also work much harder than you would typically push yourself - this puts the body in a prime position for adapting to something new which can mean increased fitness, muscle building and greater fat loss through a higher rate of calorie burning both during and after a practical session.
"Isn't one-to-one coaching only for rich people?"
Definitely not.  In general, having a personal coach is usually for those that put their own health and fitness higher up on their priority list for whatever reason they may have.  Maybe it's for their own general health, or they have an event like a holiday or wedding coming up.  It is typically utilised by those that are serious about getting results, enjoy the regular support and accountability, exercising safely and achieving their goals in the most efficient way/time possible.
"What sort of results can I expect to see?"
It depends.  Everyone is different.  Different goals, different starting points, different motivation levels. I could take 100 different people, apply the same training and nutrition plan and get 100 different results.  Your commitment to the coaching, along with readiness and willingness in wanting to change your lifestyle will be a major part of the results you achieve.  One of the greatest overriding factors to achieving goals is consistency - that's really where having a coach can make all the difference.
"It would make a great gift for someone I know, is that possible?"
Absolutely. All of the packages are available as a gifts.

To purchase a gift for someone, simply check out the Pricing page to see which package suits your budget, click 'Buy a Gift' and the fill out your details. Indicate what you would like to buy as a present and I'll be in touch to arrange everything.
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